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Drowning Instinct

Drowning Instinct - Ilsa J. Bick I like this book, but I just can't bear the fact that he was a teacher and she a student...because no matter how effed up they were, there is no excuse for a teacher having friendly realtionship with his students...none... maybe later in college, when they are all grown ups, but not with minors...I am a math and computer science teacher (but I won't be teaching, because I like other stuff more) and there is no way I would allow myself be emotionally involved with students...you just can't. No matter how bad their life is...And that's why I wasn't really sad at the end of story...I know this is cold-hearted, but I wasn't. I wasn't happy, but it wasn't like with The Storyteller, where I cried as a baby.Anyway, I enjoyed the story and it was interesting, that's why 4/5 stars.